I'm an attorney practicing law in my home town in southern Virginia. I attended college at the University of Virginia and law school at the University of Tennessee.
Above everything, I am an absolute die-hard Carolina Panthers fan. Ever since I knew what football was, I fell in love with the Panthers, with a fandom stretching over 20 years. After 12+ years of essentially not missing a snap of a single game (that includes a 1-15 season), my close following of the Panthers spread to keeping as many tabs as I could on the entire NFL.
Fast forward years later to today, in order to channel my eerily close following of NFL insiders, beat writers, reporters, social media accounts of players, and major headlines the second they break, I decided it would be beneficial for my mind to channel some of that energy into something tangible. As a result, I decided to launch The Read Option.
My goal is to just have a healthy way to keep track of my thoughts about the league in a way that is interactive with anyone who chooses to read. Despite my fandom, I will strive to keep TRO as an objective football site, covering the league as a whole, breaking news, and setting forth my thoughts and ideas in a way that can be interacted by anyone who chooses. I hope for TRO to be a catch-all place for people looking to stay up to speed with the NFL, ponder fun football ideas, and for this to grow into an opportunity to talk pro football with people I have not heard from in a while and hopefully new people I've never met before!
Leave comments on articles, Follow TRO on Twitter (@FootballOption), subscribe, or shoot me an email at readoptionfootball@gmail.com, to stay up to date when articles are published, give me topics you'd like to hear covered, or if you simply want to talk football.
If you ever want to cover off the wall topics, debate unimportant topics, rate beers, rank the most random things, or anything else non-football related, submit your ideas and check out THE FIFTH DOWN.